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I Like Art

May 31, 2022

I Like Art Podcast is so excited to share this inspiring conversation with Monique Harmon!

Monique Harmon, is a social media strategist for wellness entrepreneurs (wellpreneurs) and host of the Warrior Rulebook Podcast. It's about unlocking your inner warrior, practicing self-care, and helping others push past...

May 9, 2022

In the spirit of Mother's Day, in this special episode, Sara takes a moment to honor those special women in her life who were a part of the "village" that raised her. She challenges her listeners to think creatively about the concept of the village and to acknowledge and give thanks to those who have been a part of...

May 2, 2022

With Easter season being in the recent past, show host Sara feels compelled to tell a confession/tale about something that she did in the past regarding her artwork. Another title for this episode could be: The Tale of the Missing Artwork- how Sara has an entire body of work missing! The purpose of this episode is...